How to Watch KOCOWA with Roku


What issues do you have?



Things to check before downloading and playing videos with Roku

  1. Make sure to download the KOCOWA channel on your Roku device
  2. Please sign in to your subscribed account


How to download the KOCOWA channel on your Roku device

  1. Go to Home on your Roku device
  2. Go to Streaming Channels
  3. Go to Search Channels
  4. Type in 'KOCOWA'
  5. Click on "KOCOWA"
  6. Click 'Add channel' 


You cannot find the Roku channel?

Make sure your Roku device is up to date, and try to search 'KOCOWA' again

  • How to check update: Roku Home -> Settings -> System -> System Update


Closed Captioning or Subtitles

If our Roku channel does not display subtitles for the first time, please follow the following directions:

  1. Start your Roku devices
  2. Go to 'Settings → System → Accessibility → Caption mode'
  3. Select 'On always'

Or you can also change the setting while watching a video:

  1. Play any video at KOCOWA channel
  2. Press the '*' button on your Roku remote controller
  3. Press either the right or left button on your Roku remote controller until you see 'On always'
  4. Press 'OK' on your Roku remote controller

If you have an issue showing subtitles, please follow the troubleshoot in the link: 


How to Make your Favorites List

  1. Start the KOCOWA channel
  2. Select a series that you wish to make your favorite
  3. Press the '*" button on your Roku remote controller 
  4. Once the series is set to 'Favorite', you will see the '*' mark right below the image


Sign in with Other Service Providers (SSO Accounts)

Our Roku channel don't have a sign-in feature with other service providers yet, but there is a temporary workaround for this issue.

  1. Try to reset the password of your KOCOWA account. You can follow the link to reset the password in the sign-in page:
  2. Once you acquire a new password, try to sign in with your email address and the new password on the Roku channel

Once again, please accept my sincere apology for our Roku channel. It is still in beta, and our development team is currently working on improving the channel.


 If you still have any questions, Contact us.