Things to check before downloading and playing videos with Samsung Smart TV
- Make sure to download the KOCOWA app on your Samsung Smart TV
- Please sign in to your subscribed account
How to download the KOCOWA channel on your Samsung Smart TV
- Press the Home button on your Samsung Smart TV remote control
- Select the APPS category
- Search "KOCOWA"
- Select the KOCOWA app from the searched list
- Press the Install button
- Once the app is fully installed, you will be able to launch the app
You cannot find the KOCOWA app on your Samsung Smart TV?
The KOCOWA app might not appear on Smasung Smart TVs before 2017. We will try our best to bring the app on those TVs as well. We are sorry about the inconvenience.
Sign in with Other Service Providers (SSO Accounts)
The KOCOWA app don't have a sign-in feature with other service providers yet, but there is a temporary workaround for this issue.
- Try to reset the password of your KOCOWA account. You can follow the link to reset the password in the sign-in page:
- Once you acquire a new password, try to sign in with your email address and the new password on the Samsung Smart TV app
Once again, please accept my sincere apology for our Samsung Smart TV app. Our development team is currently working on improving the app.
If you still have any questions, Contact us.