Updates to Your KOCOWA Service - 01/04/2019


Happy new year, everyone!


Thank you for being a KOCOWA customer. The last year was a huge breakthrough for us, and we could not have done any of what we experienced without our KOCOWA family and friends. 


We believe this is going to be another huge year for us, and we'll always try our best to improve quality and quantity of our service. We expect there are going to be major updates and improvements to the KOCOWA service this year. As our first step, we'd like to share a few changes to your KOCOWA service which will be effective on January 7, 2019. 


Free Trial

  • The free trial that comes along with the initial purchase of our monthly subscription plan will be adjusted from 1 month to 2 weeks. 

Content Accessibility

  • Every content we offer on or after January 7, 2019 will be accessible only to KOCOWA members and subscribers.
  • KOCOWA members are users who have created a KOCOWA account and signed in to your account. You can sign up an account here
  • KOCOWA Subscribers are users who purchased one of our subscription plans. You can find details of our subscription plans here
  • Every content we offer on or after January 7, 2019 will still be accessible for KOCOWA members at no charge within 24 hours after each airing date, according to the Taste24HR program, but KOCOWA members will lose the access on the content after the 24 hours, and gain the access back at no charge in a year after the airing date. 
  • KOCOWA subscribers will still have the same full access to every content we offer without any restriction. 


  • For the promotional purposes, every first 2 episodes of each content in the Drama category will be accessible for KOCOWA members at no charge even after the Taste24HR program. 
  • Every content in the K-POP category will be accessible for KOCOWA members at no charge in 3 weeks after each airing date. 
  • Section TV Entertainment News, E-News Exclusive, and every awards show will be accessible for KOCOWA members for free even after the 24 hours.


If you still have any questions, Contact us.